Sunday 17 April 2016

Living My Love Story

Do you know what I find really beautiful? My husband and daughter playing together. There is something so precious and sacred there that I can just keep looking at it.
As a youngster, my idea of a perfect man kept changing with every literary protagonist (yes, I was nerdish that way). From Mr Darcy, Harry Potter, to even Barney  (he is the protagonist from The Blue Castle,in case you are wondering).
But after three years of marriage what I thought was perfect has changed. It isn't the big production, but the small things that matter. Nowadays, something as simple as changing our daughter's diapers when I'm tired to cooking breakfast makes me happy. These may be insignificant to some. But to me these moments are precious.
You see, life is made up of these mundane everythings. And it would be so easy for me to take these moments for granted. If I was to expect romance right out of a movie, I'm sure I would've been disappointed real fast. But guess what? Life is not a movie with it's 50 odd romantic scenes popping up every few minutes within two hours. And thank God I realized that soon enough!
Now, I know that love can be expressed in so many ways. It can be found in the folded bedsheets to late night surprises of my favorite ice cream. It's so easy to lose sight of the important things what with everyone splashing their love story on Facebook. But as long as I keep sight of these moments in my life, I know that I am, in fact,living my own love story.

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