Sunday 17 April 2016

Amina's Lasts

Today I found this while cleaning out my daughter's cupboard. Her onesie. Her first one. I never realized how much she had grown till I saw this. You find yourself lost in the activity of daily life and before you know it, its already been a year! Yikes!
She is growing into a very active, not to mention mischievous, toddler. I celebrate and rejoice at every milestone she achieves. And, for every celebration I cant help but mourn her 'lasts'. The last time she turned over, the last time crawled, the last time she used her favorite bunny onesie. My baby is growing. And before long, there will be a last time she will ask me to carry her, the last time she will perfectly fit in my arms or the last time she'll need her blankie. The few times she does crawl is always a treat!
But..but I find comfort in the knowledge that there are no 'lasts' for certain things. A hug, a kiss, sharing a joke or just being there for her when she needs me.
So,  Amina's Lasts, you have helped her through the past year and continue to do so. You made me cherish every moment as they come and look forward to more. Thank you and Goodbye...

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